Your code has been Successfully deployed!
You can now test your bot on your preferred messaging channel by invoking the
gupshup proxy bot.
Sit back and relax while we compile and deploy your code!
You can preview your Google Assistant Bot using the Gupshup emulator.
Go to EmulatorNOTE: Any previous emulator sessions will be closed. To change Invocation name, please re-publish
You can also customize your Bot using our IDE
Customize my BotClick on 'Create an App'
Specify your App name and if you are going to submit your app to the Slack App Directory - tick the check box and click Create App.
Click on 'Enable Interactive Messages' button under interactive messages
Set Request URL
This step will be useful in the following steps
You can also fill up the basic information for your App, this information are mandatory to be filled in during submitting your app at slack App Directory
Using 'Welcome Message' parameter you can set the introduction message for your bot
Note: You will have to pass the entire HTML page containing your custom CSS, here is a sample code
<title> --- Web browser title --- </title>
<link --- Setting favicon --- >
<style> --- Your custom CSS goes here --- </style>
<body> --- Your custom HTML goes here --- </body>
To create a new Page, visit
Note: The page profile pic and name will be used to form the "identity" of your bot and it is what people will see when they engage.
To create a Facebook App:
You will need a developer account to create new apps. You can create a new developer account by going to Facebook for Developers and clicking the 'Get Started' button.
To add Messenger platform in your App, follow the below steps:
Once Messenger Platform is added to your app - the Messenger settings console will be displayed
To configure webhook follow below steps:
To get page access token
The “Page ID” can be found in the 'About' section of the page.
The Persistent menu - should contain top-level actions that users can enact at any point. To configure one for your bot refer to our persistent menu guide
To see a Sample JSON for Persistent Menu refer to persistent menu guide
{ "disableinput" : false, "menu": [ { "title": "Coffee", "type": "nested", "menu": [ { "title": "Cold", "type": "nested", "menu": [ { "title": "Chocolate Mocha", "type": "text" },{ "title": "Java Chip", "type": "text" } ] }, { "title": "Hot", "type": "nested", "menu": [ { "title": "Cappuccino", "type": "text" }, { "title": "Caffe Latte", "type": "text" } ] }, { "title": "Expresso", "type": "text", } ] }, { "title": "View website", "type": "url", "url": "", "webview_height_ratio": "full" } ] }
Greeting Message - this message(160 character maximum) will be displayed along with the ‘Get Started’ button. The user needs to see a brief description/ function of the bot before starting a conversation. Please see here for more clarity.
Custom integration can be only created by workplace administrator.
Goto your Workplace dashboard, under ‘Integrations’ scroll down to ‘Create custom integration’ section and click ‘Create Custom integration’ button.
Name your integration and give a short description to create a ‘App’
Click on ‘Create Access Token’ button
Make a note of the generated access token, as this will be submitted in the form given under ‘Submit your credentials
Read content visible to the company
Message any members
Copy the given below callback URL & verification token and paste under ‘Callback URL’ & ‘Verification token’ field of ‘Configure webhooks’ tab.
Also check following Subscription fields: Select mention, messages, message_read, message_deliveries, message_postbacks
To get your page id, goto workchat and search for your integration.
Persistent menu and Welcomme Message are optional
Sample JSON:
{ "disableinput" : false, "menu": [ { "title": "Coffee", "type": "nested", "menu": [ { "title": "Cold", "type": "nested", "menu": [ { "title": "Chocolate Mocha", "type": "text" },{ "title": "Java Chip", "type": "text" } ] }, { "title": "Hot", "type": "nested", "menu": [ { "title": "Cappuccino", "type": "text" }, { "title": "Caffe Latte", "type": "text" } ] }, { "title": "Expresso", "type": "text", } ] }, { "title": "View website", "type": "url", "url": "", "webview_height_ratio": "full" } ] }
Click on your phone number to set request URL
Under Programmable chat select service from navigation bar and click ‘Create a new Chat Service’
A dialog box pop up asking to set a friendly name for your new Chat Service. Provide the name for example ‘Demo’ and then click ‘Create’.
Copy given below bot webhook and add to both Pre-Event Webhooks and Post-Event Webhooks and select all CALLBACK EVENTS. The callback request is HTTP POST.
Under Push Credentials enable all push notification and click 'save'
Create a user to act as a bot in the Twilio Chat Service:
Submit your service sid, twilio bot username, twilio account sid and token.
Create a general channel in the twilio service.
Now, once the channel is created successfully, the bot is directly added to the Channel by using the data provided.
Alternatively, you can use this APIS from Twilio to Publish.
Create a user to act as a bot in the Twilio Chat Service using below api:
curl -XPOST{service sid}/Users \ -d "Identity=<twilio bot username>" \ -u '{twilio account sid}:{twilio auth token}'
Create a general channel in the twilio service.:
curl -XPOST{service sid}/Channels \ -d "FriendlyName=general" \ -u '{twilio account sid}:{twilio auth token}'
Add your bot to the channel
curl -XPOST{service sid}/Channels/{Channel SID}/Members \ -d "Identity=<twilio bot username>" \ -u '{twilio account sid}:{twilio auth token}'
Verify and Submit your service sid, twilio bot username, twilio account sid and token to publish.
Fill in the details to enable your services.
Click Line@ Manager and you will we redirected to Bot Setting page
Click ‘Enable API’ and then click ‘Confirm’
Once confirmation is done scroll down and under ‘Details’ -
Click ‘Save’ when done.
NOTE: In above image ‘@gav2641o’ refers to the LineID, keep a note of this ID as it has to be submitted along with other credentials.
Under ‘Accounts’ select the account you recently created and then click ‘Line Developers’
Copy your bot name (in below image ‘Your Account’ refers to bot name), Channel ID, Channel Secret
To get Channel Access Token scroll down and click on ‘ISSUE’
Under channels > Basic information > scroll down and click Edit > scroll down and set your bot’s Webhook URL.
Under channels > Server IP Whitelist, add IP and to the whitelist
Click on ‘Register a bot’ and fill in the details.
Under Configuration - To set ‘Messaging endpoint’ copy the bot callback URL from below field
To get the app ID click on ‘Create Microsoft App ID and password’
Once clicked you will be redirected to “” . Keep a note of the App ID you just received as you will have to submit this app on Gupshup platform
Click on ‘Generate an app password to continue’ to get Password.
Click ‘ok’ and then ‘Finish and go back to Bot Framework’. Finally hit ‘Register’ to create/register your bot on Bot Framework.
Click on ‘Register a bot’ and fill in the details.
Under Configuration - To set ‘Messaging endpoint’ copy the bot callback URL from below field
To get the app ID click on ‘Create Microsoft App ID and password’
Once clicked you will be redirected to “” . Keep a note of the App ID you just received as you will have to submit this app on Gupshup platform
Click on ‘Generate an app password to continue’ to get Password.
Click ‘ok’ and then ‘Finish and go back to Bot Framework’. Finally hit ‘Register’ to create/register your bot on Bot Framework.
Once registration is done, add Microsoft Teams from 'Another channels' to 'Channels'
Click on My App
Click on ‘+’
Click on Create a Bot
Once you are done with filling up details, click ‘Add Bot’
Copy the Access token
To get configure your bot you can also contact Gupshup team at:
Phone: 022 4200 6799
To help them configure your bot, supply the callback URL mentioned below along with two additional parameter pcode and phno where ‘pcode’ refers To(recipient) number and ‘phno’ refers From(Sender) number(by default Enterprise send phonecode and msisdn as To and From as parameters this should be replaced with given parameter).
You can even raise your concern to our team if you don’t have dedicated phone number or enterprise account.
Note: Long-code refers to the dedicated phone number for your bot
Submit your resgistered email and password of teamchat account.
Apply for a Public Account, skip this step if you already have one.
Read more about Viber bots
The Application Key (also known as authentication token) is generated upon Public Account(PA) creation and can be viewed by the account's admins in the "edit info" screen of their Public Account.
Submit your resgistered Application Key and Public Account Name of Viber account.
To create the channel, please follow these steps:
Click on “Signup”. Once prompt enter following :
User: ppuser
Fill in the details to register a channel name
Once your account is approved,log in to the channel dashboard.
Go to Developer Center, situated at bottom left of navigation sidebar.
In Developer Center, under DeveloperID. Keep a note of your AppID and AppSecret this will be required while submitting Credential.
Click on ‘Modify configuration’ to set your webhook. You can get your Webhook URL and token from below
Go to the Google Actions API page and in the Dashboard pop-up, click Create a project
The New Project dialog box appears. Specify a name in the Project name field. Click Create.
Search for Google Assistant API and Google Actions API from the Library tab.
Click the name to open it and click Enable.
Go to actions console
‘Click on Add/import project’ and select your project. Accept Terms and conditions if asked.
Now submit your Project ID and Invocation name in the below form.
Submit your valid Project ID and Invocation name which you have registered on Google.
Once you are done with this steps, you will now Fill out the information requested to submit your app for approval. See Registering and Publishing for more information.
Click on ‘Settings’ and Scroll down.
Under Secret Keys section click ‘Create New Secret Key’ and your KEY ID and SECRET will be generated. Copy this KEY ID and SECRET.
Clicking on the "Go to Web Widget" button below will add the web-widget to your website that connects users instantly to your chatbots. Follow the steps to add a bot to the chat widget.
Could not fetch settings
As the new window opens up with a widget, use the "Use Custom settings" checkbox to customize the chat widget UI
Once the chat widget is customised, click on the 'Get code' to get the javascript code to be used for your website.
Publishing your Bot on the InterBot channel enables it to communicate with other InterBot enabled bots.
When your Bot is InterBot enabled, it can be used to compose new composite bots, just by chaining bots together. To read more about how Bots can be chained together to compose new bots, visit InterBot documentation
To read more about how Interbot works, check out the Get started section.
Note: When you enable your Bot for InterBot, it will appear in your My Bots section on InterBot.
Go to the Google Actions API page and in the Dashboard pop-up, click Create a project
The New Project dialog box appears. Specify a name in the Project name field. Click Create.
Search for Google Actions API from the Library tab.
Click the name to open it and click Enable
Open the Directory listing tab and fill out the required fields and click Register.
Follow these guidelines:
Invocation Name: Spell out the phrase that activates your agent the same way users would pronounce it. To make sure you get it right, follow our guide to [choosing a good invocation name](
Display Name: Your agent's official, readable name, displayed over the large banner image in white. Use your invocation name as the basis for your display name, without any of the modifications you made to reflect spoken pronunciation. You can also include digits and special characters.
Short description: A brief overview of what your agent can do, shown in the list of agents users can browse through in the Directory. Keep the short description concise, but we recommend that you include enough of a description to give users a clear overview of what your agent does.
Full Description: A complete description of your action. The full description appears on your agent's specific listing, but you still want to keep it short. Descriptions that are too long may make your listing difficult to look through.
Small square logo: A 108x108-pixel logo displayed in your Directory listing and wherever your agent is listed in the Home app. Make sure your logo stands out against both a white background and your banner image. Use the right aspect ratio: Logos that are not 108x108 pixels will be cropped and resized.
Large banner image: A 2208x1242-pixel image that appears at the top of your action's listing in the Directory. Your display name and invocation name appear across the bottom of the image, in white text. Make sure your banner image has a solid background (no transparency). Use the right aspect ratio: Banner images that are not 2208x1242 pixels will be cropped and resized.
Sample Invocations: Add examples of phrases users say to interact with or activate the action. For each invocation phrase, use the following structure: Ok Google, talk to <invocation name>
Note that the "k" in "Ok" and the first letter of your invocation phrase are both lowercase.
Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Contact Information: Provide a contact email for users who need to reach you, a link to your privacy policy, and a link to your terms of service page (if you have one).
Invocation Name: Spell out the phrase that activates your agent the same way users would pronounce it. To make sure you get it right, follow our guide to [choosing a good invocation
Go to the API.AI console.
Set your bot webhook:
Click Fulfillment and in the left-hand navigation slide the ‘ENABLED’ toggle to enable webhook
Under ‘URL’ Copy paste the url from below.
Deploy your agent
Click Integrations and in the left-hand navigation, click the SETTINGS link on the Actions on Google card.
In the Google Project ID field, enter the project ID and click Deploy
Go to the Google Actions API in the Google API Manager.
Open the Deployment history tab.
Check the Status column for the deployment status:
Added below language support for WhatsApp,
Bot developers for Line: With the release of Line Messaging API, all BOT API Trial Accounts are scheduled to be deleted. Please republish your bot according to new Line implementation, mentioned under Publish tab in My Bots section.
New tool for non-developers- Our Flow Bot Builder helps users create their bot messaging flow with a graphical editor. tool is now available for developing your NLP/AI bot.
Gupshup Enterprise APIs (SMS,Voice and Email) are now available directly in the APIs section.
New channels added for publishing bots- and your website as a web widget.
Now you can access our services including the bot builder tool using your Facebook login credentials.
Now you can delete the dummy bots created for testing from the My Bots Dashboard.
You can now access Bot specific data from your Dashboard itself.
Introducing a hassle free bot development experience for users to instantly create bots using our pre-defined restaurant templates. Check out our blog to know more.
We are removing few redundant parameters, that were being sent when a callback happens to your bot (i.e. inbound message comes to your bot).
Following is the list of parameters.
However, we will continue to send following parameters. If you are using any of the deprecated parameters, we request you to use these alternatives.
You are requested to make a note of this and do the necessary changes immediately to your bot code to keep it working. Should you need any help, please feel free to send an email to