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9 Instagram Chatbots That CMOs Should Prioritize In 2024

On February 23, 2022 | 7 Minutes Read
ChatbotsConversational EngagementGenericInstagram API

As a CMO, Category Head, or Business Head, you are responsible for navigating your brand through the tide of stiff competition, increasing customer expectations, and changing the socio-economic ecosystem. And one way to do this is to catch on to the new innovations early on, start practicing them diligently and become an expert on them before your competitors are even thinking about them. Instagram chatbots is one such innovation that you as a marketer or a business leader should keep your eye on and mark it as a top priority for your brand to stay ahead of the curve in 2024.

Here are 4 reasons why:

1. Instagram chatbot automation is transforming social media

Instagram, which started as a photo-sharing platform has evolved a lot over the years. From a platform for creative individuals, it soon transformed into a social media community and then eventually into a hub for brands to increase their presence in the social media realm. Now in the last year of June, with the launch of Instagram Messenger API, the platform is transforming again by enabling brands to develop conversational capability and converse one on one with their customers at scale via chatbots.

Conversations have the power to change the world, and weaving it into the space of social media gives brands an opportunity to build stronger ties with their customers. It will be no wonder if this feature is adopted by other social media channels like Twitter or Snapchat. Our next point talks about the why of it.

2. Customers want to chat with brands just as they do with their friends

The advent of OTT platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Viber has changed the way consumers interact. They now prefer to chat and they expect similar experiences from their brands. 80% of international adults agree that messaging is a quick and easy way to communicate with a business. Then why not offer it to your customers when you can do it at scale with chatbots?

3. Instagram chatbot automation can save brands millions

Automations are always expected to bring cost efficiency in some form or the other. Instagram chatbots automation also helps brands realize the same. By building conversational journeys with AI and NLP-based mechanisms brands can save millions of dollars across all functions of Marketing, Sales, and Support. All those dollars spent on customer support can be reduced significantly with automated chats and intelligent escalation to live agents only for complex queries.

4. Instagram chatbot can help brands build a 360-degree customer journey on Instagram itself

Instagram today is a community of over 1 billion monthly active users. However, the user experience is somewhat broken. For example, in absence of Instagram chatbots, users are forced to redirect to a different platform to make a purchase or connect with customer support. With Instagram automated chatbots, brands can build a complete 360-degree customer experience. From product discovery to sales to support, brands can interact with their customer at every stage of their journey and drive action-based engagements, thus reducing drop offs and increasing conversions.

Some Instagram Chatbots To Watch Out For

Now let’s take a look at some of the chatbots that you can build to drive real business outcomes for your brand on Instagram.

1. Ad-to-chat chatbot

The Ad to chat chatbot gives brands the capability to build action-based engagement for customers by integrating messenger into their Instagram Ads. The below example showcases how a user sends a message to a brand right from the ads and then agrees to buy the product right from within the DM, thus reducing the chances of any drop-offs that might have occurred due to redirection. This may work best especially with products that need a consultation before selling such as Insurance solutions.

2. Lead generation chatbot

The lead generation chatbot of Instagram helps you collect user contact information while conversing with them. It is like replicating your landing page into conversations. The below example shows a journey for the same.

A customer starts a conversation with a company on Instagram. The chatbot engages the user and collects their user details such as phone and email over conversations. While the lead generation bot opens a new channel for gathering customer information for brands it also enables brands to gather opt-ins to re-engage with users on other channels too.

3. FAQs & product enquiry chatbot

Not having answers to queries and doubts might result in hesitation among customers. While some may take an effort to reach out to your product experts via email or phone, majority of the customers might just move on. With chatbot automation on Instagram, your brand can answer basic product queries faster and thereby nurture the customers towards conversion.

4. Customer support chatbot

“Be where your customers are” is a basic principle of business. Then why shouldn’t your customer support be on Instagram, where customers often share unpleasant experiences through comments or story mentions. With the customer support chatbot automation on Instagram, your brand can offer a seamless support experience to your customers right where they discover your product. Thus increasing customer satisfaction.

5. Order & service booking chatbot

If you are from the food or beverage industry, you want your customers to order right when they see a devouring visual of your new dish. The Order and Service booking chatbot enables you to do exactly that. This chatbot can of course be extended to all industries.

6. Order & service tracking chatbot

Once your customers have booked their order, why would you want to move to a different app or a platform to track their order? A seamless customer experience is a key to winning customer loyalty. The order tracking app enables you to achieve that easily.

7. Games, quiz and contest chatbot

60% of consumers admit that they would buy more from a brand if they offered some sort of appealing game. The gamification chatbot enables you to build such an experience for your customers on Instagram. The below example presents an example of the same.

8. Product recommendation chatbot

Replicating in-store experience online is a common challenge that brands face. With conversational commerce that’s not an issue anymore. Remember how customers could walk up to a store and buy products as per their skin type by discussing it with the in-store salesperson. The product recommendation chatbot can be used to build a similar experience for customers visiting your DM on Instagram.

9. Survey and feedback chatbot

Collecting feedback and surveys over emails and phones often doesn’t yield the desired result. With conversations via Instagram chatbots, your brand can plug in feedback questions intelligently and drive higher user participation. The best part is, depending on your business needs, the survey and feedback chatbots can be used to collect customer responses throughout the year so that you are updated about the changing preferences of your customers.

The Final Takeaway

Conversations over messaging apps are a part of your customer’s daily life. They chat with their friends, family, and loved ones all the time. This shift in behavior has even moved business conversations from emails to chat applications like slack. With over a billion users, Instagram is a platform where your users are already active. Go one step further on the channel and deliver memorable experiences for your customers via Instagram Automated Chatbots. And with Smart AI and NLP mechanisms from Gupshup, the experience you deliver can be interactive and personalized like never before.

#Let’sGupshup to know what your customized conversational journey for your customers can look like.

Nikhil Gupta

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